xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/sudburytourism/fbml' What's Happening in Sudbury this Summer: A Mud Bogging Adventure

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Mud Bogging Adventure

As Shanna said I had the opportunity to take a ride through one of the Mud Bogging tracks. Gilles the event organizer was nice enough to allow me to share the full experience of riding front and centre during one of the races. This was a truck with no back or side windows. The only thing protecting us from the spray of mud was the truck body and the front windshield. So here I was wearing a helmet and hanging onto the door and seat at the same time while buckled in. This way I could brace myself from the constant movement that comes from driving through inches of gooey sticky mud; the kind that would take your shoes if they weren't tied on.

So I was tyring to figure out how I could possibly hold onto the seat, door and camera all at the same time. Not having three hands I opted not to hold onto the seat so I could hold the camera instead. The camera was moving in all directions as much as I was. At one point the truck hit the wall of the track and as Shanna describes, it looked like I was going to fly out of the truck, instead my braced hand lost its perch for a split second. After Gilles parked his truck we watched the tire deflat as it came off the rim when it hit the track wall. My experience Mud Bogging may have only lasted a few seconds, but it is one I will never forget.

To see the video please visit www.youtube.com/user/SudburyTourism