xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/sudburytourism/fbml' What's Happening in Sudbury this Summer: A Rodoe in Sudbury?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Rodoe in Sudbury?

So here I was in Azilda watching a Rodeo on July 9th. Something I would never think to see here, but it has been going on for many years. Just think about locals and those visiting Sudbury actually have the opportunity to see a real live Rodeo. Usually the word Rodeo to most people is linked with Western Canada, not Central Canada.

I was so excited to see what this rodeo had to offer. Just hearing bareback bronco Riding, Saddle Bronco riding and Bull riding was enough to peak my interests and boy were my interest’s peaked. So there I was standing along the fence line watching the action unfold as horse and rider came so close that I thought they would hit the fence, but rather they missed it all together. At one point a bronco rider was done with his wild horse ride and grabbed the waist of a wrangler, which gave him purchase to jump off the crazed horse. It was an amazing sight to see.

That was not all, the guys riding the bulls were even wilder as far as I am concerned. Though they had helmets and chest padding the way the horse bucked it is not wonder the riders were thrown off in just seconds. At one point, one of the riders who did not wear a helmet was bucked and upon tumbling to the ground was almost kicked in the head by the mad bull. I should also mention the three girls sitting in the ring and 5 bananas, but I really wouldn’t want to ruin the fun for you.

This event was both exiting and entertaining and I was sad to leave, though other priorities called. I am sure that next year I will stay for the entire event as I was told it gets crazier as the night goes on. I really could not imagine these cowboys and girls putting themselves in more danger than I had already witnessed. I do have to say that if you are in Sudbury when this event is in town, it is a must see.

To check out some of the action go to http://www.youtube.com/sudburytourism#p/u/4/fK5-0Ldmkk8
